Safe Work Practices:
- Use water delivery systems without exception.
- Properly handle all waste materials.
- Your employer must ensure that you do not:
- Do not use compressed air.
- Do not dry sweep.
- Do not move through or move equipment through dry dust or debris.
- Do not rotate with other employees to reduce exposures.

Respiratory Protection
- Receive proper fit testing and medical evaluation to use respiratory protection.
- Use a full face, tight-fitting powered-air purifying respirator (PAPR) approved by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health or another respirator providing equal or greater protection.
- Use a loose fitting Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR), half face tight fitting PAPR, full face non-powered air-purifying respirator, or equally protective alternative if the employer has proven that airborne exposures are always below the action level.
- Use a supplied air respirator under certain conditions.
Safe Cleaning
- Use safe clean-up methods that do not kick up dust without exception.